Jumat, 04 November 2011


My history started when i pass the junior high school at 2007, I am not cleaver student but  i have ability. When i was still at first class of JHS my sister always motivated me for studied hard, joined on school organisation infact i could do it. I seldom got in three biges rank in our batch, an at the second class i become OSIS leader, so at that time i was so femous , almost students and teacher in my school knew who am i? My sister ever promised to me if i studied hard n got good value at The Nation Examination i would register at Senior High school 7 Purworejo. the school who had been my ambition...
But  really i didn't knew what happenened with my parrents and my sister. after i pas the excamination and got enough volue to registered at SHS 7 PWR.
All my sister and my parrents promise had been change. Their reason that my value could not included on passing grate and they afrait if i could not include in Sains program.  they didn't agree if i studied at SHS. They advise me to registered at State Vocational School 1 Purworejo. At that time i didn't have power to against their opinions.
Finally i followed their request, beside i registered at SVS 1 Pwr i also Registerd at SHS 6 pwr near my school.


In the end of day registering school i really accepted both at SHS 7, SHS 6 or SVS 1 Purworejo, at that time i really disapointed when i knew that i could accept at SHS 7 pwr. Untill the day after of registering closer i visited to SHS 7 Pwr to meet with teahcer in there for i could accept if there were whom want to take out  from there so i could change his position, but there were no result from this striving. I think all of them had been late. Finally i had just done who my family wanted. Even i utill cry being this problem but i tried to be patient and trusted that from all of something happened in the world surely there are meaning. This are picture from 3 school.
First day i entried to the school i had not motifation and spirit altough only the size look spreed of plant better than my friends who looked fresh ank spirit. Feeling i studied just for broken my duty, plus in the TIME OF ORIENTATION STUDENT. I dislike it at that time with the senior too whom very naugthy and the rule is chapter 1. It said that senior alway correct to do anything.
'''Walking of time, i striving to awareness the mention of anything. I am sure, that I do have a mean and power. I always tried to be winner at the class but it couldn't, why cause i didn't have basic to beloved the lesson, and beloved my school'''.

Started that time i exchange my perseption and my strategy. Actually i could do that and became better than before, for the first semester i got 16 in my report book, every semester my rank became better than before. At the first class i was too less join ex school. so i joined english course at ECC.
I stay at boarding house and even every week i always went to my house in the top of mountain of Purworejo near Seplawan cave. I clled i village is Bukit Menoreh.
Bukit Menoreh
I seldom when i went home at saturday i walked it about 7 km to the top cause my village in the top, and after 5 pm there are not public transportation to my village. But i did it with pleassure for my parrent who always missid and worried me. like child mum

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